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Canadian Blood Services acknowledges the funding of provincial, territorial and federal governments. The views expressed in this document are those of Canadian Blood Services and do not necessarily reflect those of governments.
Charitable Registration No. 870 157 641 RR0001

Get a free trim at our Pop-Up Barber Shop

February 11-13, 2023 at Square One Shopping Centre,
Center Court, across from the lower-level food court.

I'm interestedSee Details Below

Canadian Blood Services’ Pop-Up Barber Shop

WHEN: February 11-13, 2023

WHERE: Square One Shopping Centre, Mississauga, 
Center Court, across from the lower-level food court

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Canadian Blood Services pop-up barbershop logo

Get a free trim from a barber (first come, first served), learn more about donating stem cells, and register as a donor in person.

Save the date: Get a free trim at our Pop-Up Barber Shop and join the registry in person

Save the date: Get a free trim at our Pop-Up Barber Shop 
(first come, first served), and join the registry in person

Canadian Blood Services’ Pop-Up Barber Shop

WHEN: February 11-13, 2023

WHERE: Square One Shopping Centre, Mississauga, 
Center Court, across from the lower-level food court

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Canadian Blood Services pop-up barbershop logo
Get Directions

There’s still time to join the #SummerOfLife

We need more blood and stem cell donors to step up before the summer is over. Register today and help us build a donor base that can meet patients’ needs all year round.

Join the stem cell registryBook a blood donation

Your #SummerOfLife
is calling

The sun is out and travel season is here—which means fewer donors are available to give blood or stem cells to those fighting for their lives. By registering as a donor today, you can help us build a stronger donor base and keep saving lives throughout the year.

blood, platelet and stem cell recipient

Come say hi! Canadian Blood Services will be at community festivals in the GTA this summer to make it easy for you to learn more about donating, book your blood donation appointment, or get swabbed to join the stem cell registry on the spot.

Saturday, July 22
12:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Sunday, July 23
12:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Taste of the Danforth

Danforth Ave & Pape Ave

Friday, August 11
6:00 pm - 12:00 am

Saturday, August 12

12:00 pm - 12:00 am

Sunday, August 13

12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

TD Markham Jazz Festival

Main Street, Unionville

Saturday, August 19
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Sunday, August 20
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Join the #SummerOfLife in person

Tag us in your social posts!

Join the #SummerOfLife 
in person

Come say hi! Canadian Blood Services will be at community festivals in the GTA this summer to make it easy for you to learn more about donating, book your blood donation appointment, or get swabbed to join the stem cell registry on the spot.

Or register online right now

Or register online right now

Now’s the time to make a difference

Help us make Canada’s Lifeline stronger than ever. There are over 10,000 donation appointments that need to be filled across the country between now and Labour Day, and nearly 1,000 Canadians actively looking for a stem cell donor.

Symbol of a computer
  • A stem cell donation can treat over 80 diseases and disorders—including leukemia, lymphoma and other blood cancers.

  • Unlike blood and plasma, stem cell transplants require a one-to-one genetic match that can be hard to find. To ensure every patient finds their match, we need a larger, more diverse donor base

  • More than 75% of patients must rely on a volunteer donor found on a stem cell registry.
Symbol of a computer
  • Every 60 seconds, someone in Canada needs blood.

  • Donated blood can only be stored for 42 days, which is why we rely on donors to continue showing up and meet patients’ needs all year round.

  • 1 in 2 people are eligible to donate blood. 1 in 81 actually do.
Symbol of a computer
  • Every 60 seconds, someone in Canada needs blood. The need is even greater in the summer months, when outdoor activities result in more accidents and car collisions.

  • One in two people are eligible to donate blood. 1 in 81 actually do.

  • Donated blood can only be stored for 42 days. That’s why we need year-round donations, especially in summer.
Symbol of a computer
  • A stem cell donation can treat over 80 diseases and disorders—including leukemia, lymphoma and other blood cancers.

  • Unlike blood and plasma, stem cell transplants require a one-to-one genetic match that can be hard to find. To ensure every patient finds their match, we need a larger, more diverse donor base

  • More than 75% of patients must rely on a volunteer donor found on a stem cell registry.

Now’s the time to make a difference

This summer, you can help make Canada’s Lifeline stronger than ever. There are currently more than 80,000 open blood donation appointments and nearly 1,000 Canadians actively looking for a stem cell donor. Even if you can’t donate, you can still take action by learning the facts and spreading the word.

Patients like Misha and Zoey are reliant on blood product such as blood, plasma and platelets as part of their treatment but the best hope at a cure, is a stem cell transplant from a matching volunteer donor. Start your donor journey today by checking your eligibility for blood and stem cell donation.

Take the stem cell questionnaire

Year-round donors give patients hope

Take the blood eligibility quiz

Have more questions about donating?

Blood Donations FAQ

How do I know if I’m eligible to give blood?

Factors such as medications, health conditions, pregnancy, travel, or accessibility within our donor centres can affect whether you can donate at a given time. Depending on the factor(s) involved, ineligible donors may become eligible to donate at a later time. To check if you’re eligible to donate today, take our short questionnaire

How do I book a blood donation appointment?

You can book an appointment by searching for donor centres near you, selecting an appointment date and time that suits you, and then logging in to complete the booking.

What is the blood donation process like?

On the day of your appointment, you’ll be greeted by our staff at the check-in kiosk to complete your donor questionnaire. You’ll then be led to your donation chair where you can sit back and relax while donating. The needle used during your donation is sterile, used only once, and then discarded. While donating, our staff will be around to make sure you’re feeling okay and to answer any questions you might have. After donating, you’ll be able to sit in the refreshment area and enjoy a snack and drink on us.

Watch a video on the donation process

How long does it take to donate blood?

The collection process takes about 10 to 15 minutes. After collection, we encourage donors to stay in the refreshment area for about another 15 minutes to rehydrate and have a snack.

What happens to my donation?

Canadian Blood Services collects blood donations to be used to treat patients. Whole blood is separated into two main components:

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the organs and tissues, removing carbon dioxide through the lungs. It is used during emergencies, surgeries, and cancer treatments.

Plasma is a liquid containing many of the body’s proteins that help fight infection and help clotting.

Stem Cell Registry FAQ

How do stem cell donations work?

A stem cell transplant replaces a patient's unhealthy blood stem cells with the matching donor's healthy stem cells. There are three sources of stem cells used in transplant:

1. Bone marrow

2. Peripheral (circulating) blood

3. Umbilical cord blood

The type of stem cell donation is determined by the transplant physician team based on the needs of the patient. You will only be asked to donate if you are found to be match for a patient in need.

How are donors matched to patients, and how does ethnicity play a role?

Donors and patients are matched according to the compatibility of inherited genetic markers called Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA). While not always the case, patients are more likely to find a matching donor among those who share their ethnic ancestry, which makes growing an ethnically diverse donor base extremely important.

How do blood stem cell donors help patients?

Patients need a stem cell transplant when their bone marrow (stem cell factory) has failed due to a life-threatening illness. A blood stem cell transplant replaces a patient’s diseased bone marrow with healthy blood stem cells from a donor.

What is Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry?

Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry recruits unrelated volunteer donors for patients needing blood stem cell transplants.

Registering as a stem cell donor

1. Check your eligibility

Take a 2-minute questionnaire to check if you’re eligible to donate stem cells.
2. Get your free swab kit 

Create your donor profile and order a free swab kit to your address. Once you receive your swab kit, follow the instructions on the package and mail it back to Canadian Blood Services to be officially entered on the stem cell registry.

3. Show up for patients in need

Your match could be found in a month or several years from now. Remember to give us a call if your health and contact information changes, so that we can reach you when the time comes to save a life.

Registering to donate blood

1. Check your eligibility

If you haven’t already, take our eligibility quiz to confirm you can donate blood.
2. Book your blood donation appointment

If you’re eligible to donate, create a donor profile and book an appointment at a donor centre of your choice.

3. Show up for patients in need

On the day of your appointment, arrive at your chosen donor centre and our staff will walk you through the donor questionnaire and lead you to your donation chair. It’s important to show up at your appointment—there are patients counting on your donation.

Join us to cap off your #SummerOfLife

Meet us outdoors for our final #SummerOfLife celebration! Come learn more about donating, book your blood donation appointment, and get swabbed to join the stem cell registry on the spot.

Yonge-Dundas Square
1 Dundas Street East, Toronto

August 29, 2023, 4 - 9 pm